To support the growth of the recently introduced Steam assets to it UK portfolio, Atlas Copco Rental have recently added a new member to their team: Matthew Schofield. He will be managing their steam projects for industrial rental systems.

With Matthews’ new job role, he has incorporated Atlas Copco Rental to CEA’s network of members, and we are looking forward to seeing them involved in our work and events.

Matthew attended the CEA House of Lords Annual Dinner on 17th May 2019, pictured on the Terrace in his article, Page 7 of Atlas Copco’s Rental Time Magazine. He has been involved with the CEA for 5 years beginning with being a BOAS Member through his accreditation, attending many of our conferences as a delegate, then as an exhibitor, and joining the CEA at the House of Lords for our David Gunn Memorial Lecture and Annual Dinner events.

Atlas Copco Rental UK now have the capability to offer Steam, Air, Nitrogen and Power to process and manufacturing Industries across the UK. In addition to this, Atlas Copco Rental has acquired Powerhouse Equipment & Engineering Co. Inc., a steam boiler rental company in the US to strengthen their offering across the globe. Read all about it here.

Atlas Magazine  

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