Steam Boiler Water Treatment & Testing course

Delivered on behalf of CEA by Deep Water Blue Ltd

Three dates and locations planned for 2023;

1.  26th & 27th April – Manchester
2.  14th & 15th June – Edinburgh
3.  17th & 18th October – Gatwick

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Course Information

Course Video

Top quality two-day training course including practical testing followed by an online examination, for only £975 + VAT.

With fuel prices as high as they are this course could help you save significant money on your bill. Guidance document BG04 for boiler water treatment clearly states that  95% of all boiler related incidents and accidents are as a result of bad management of boiler water treatment. We ask attendees at conferences “who has had to hire in a temporary boiler(s)” approximately 65% have said they have had to at some point due to plant failure.

Don’t just rely on a contractor coming to site once a month to check the boiler water, changes happen very quickly, sometimes within just hours. It’s your responsibility not a contractors. Insurers loss adjusters have attended this course and are now looking at maintenance and operation activity, if you make a claim you might get a shock.

This is not a course for Chemists or water hygiene people, it’s for the people looking after boiler plants.

You don’t have to be BOAS accredited to attend this course, just operating or managing the boiler plant.

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