Steam Boiler Water Treatment Testing and Training (SBWTT)
Steam Boiler Water Treatment Testing & Training (SBWTT) is a two-day training course, designed to cover all aspects of SBWTT both from a legislative and best practice perspective. If you contract out your boiler water treatment you need to recognise the work the contractor is carrying out and advising for your system to keep it operating at its optimal condition.
The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) states that suitable and appropriate training is a legal requirement for anybody doing any job. Therefore, boiler operators and managers must be suitably trained in managing their boiler water treatment to keep your systems operating safely and efficiently.
95% of all boiler incidents and accidents can be traced back to poor or inadequate management of the boiler water treatment. BG04 is an in-depth guide covering all aspects of Boiler Water Treatment. It is aimed as a document that can be read and understood by boiler operators, engineers and personnel with limited or no knowledge of water treatment chemistry.
Following the completion of the 2 days training course and 1 hour exam the successful candidate will receive an ID Card and Certificate valid for 5 years.
View testimonials from the course here
Day 1
- The basics of water
- Types of test kits
- Obtaining the correct samples
- Legal requirements
- Industry guidance
- Actual practical testing (activity)
Day 2
- Condensate
- Data collection and storage
- Aims of sampling
- Interpretation of results
- Key areas where you can make a difference
- Legal training