BG01 Boiler Operation Guidance

Guidance on the Safe Operation of Boilers (BG01) has now been updated to Edition 2. Originally compiled by the Combustion Engineering Association (CEA), the Safety Assessment Federation (SAFed) and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), BG01 replaces the PM5 and PSG2 guidance notes from the HSE and SAFed respectively.

BG01 provides boiler operators and managers with up-to-date advice on boiler control technology and runs in parallel with the HSE’s Safe management of industrial steam and hot water boilers (INDG436). It gives specific advice about how to achieve the safety standards laid out in the HSE document.

BG01 takes into account evolving control technology, such as remote monitoring, not covered by the previous documents. It advises on a wide range of control options and recommends that personnel receive adequate training to perform their job safely and competently. BG01 recommends that operators and managers achieve the national industry standards through the following qualifications:

Certified Industrial Boiler Operator (CertIBO) for operators.

Diploma in Boiler Plant Operation Management (DipBOM) for managers.

Both qualifications are part of the Boiler Operation Accreditation Scheme (BOAS).

CEA currently have eleven approved training providers who can deliver this training and offer a four or five-day BOAS-accredited course for boiler operators and managers that provides the necessary qualifications to cover participants for five years, after which a renewal is required.

“Whilst the Boiler Operations Accreditation Scheme BOAS in itself is not a legal requirement, training operators and managers for the work they do is a legal requirement under the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations PUWER, and operating boiler plant in line with the latest advice and guidance demonstrates to Regulators and Insurers a strong commitment to adopting best practice through appropriately trained personnel.”

“To get your operators accredited to the highest available standards and for them be awarded a Certificate for Industrial Boiler Operations (Cert IBO) or your managers the Diploma in Industrial Boiler Operations (Dip BOM) is to have them assessed in accordance with the CEA BOAS scheme.”

Hard copies can be purchased from CEA at cost plus P&P, please contact CEA for further information on [email protected] or 01740 625538